Friday, August 24, 2007

Edmonton Fringe: GOD'S EYE

Poet and possible-plays-for-PT lookout Diane Tucker points us to this one, a hit in the Edmonton Fringe...

God's Eye is a new play by Marty Chan. In this heartbreaking drama, a young boy questions his faith and becomes obsessed with God and paradox after his father suffers a stroke. The boy puts God on trial to prove His existence in the hopes that God will make his father better. The play explores the fragile bond between fathers and sons and cuts to the heart of an only-child's lonely and desperate need to provoke his father out of his depression. Through the story, the boy raises questions we all want answers to. Is there a God? If so, why do bad things happen to good people? Why doesn't God give us a sign? More importantly, the boy wants the answer to one important question: will his father ever get better?

The show runs about 65 minutes.

Tickets available online or via phone 409-1910. To book, go to the Fringe website. For information on all Fringe holdovers, please call 448-9000.

5 Stars - Edmonton Journal (Sound Off Review).

"...the thoughts and ideas conveyed through Norman's shattered childhood will have you questioning your life after seeing this play." - Edmonton Sun Review.

"From start to finish, God’s Eye is a joy to be a part of." - Vue Weekly review. Click here. (Rating - Sean Connery = 6 out of 6 stars)

Sean Connery is reviewing plays? I guess when the Bond gig ran out...


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